Monday, January 12, 2015

What is this 'pre-season' thing...?

If you've signed up for Michelle Bridges 12WBT for the first time, or the thirty-first time, you'll be hearing and seeing the term 'pre-season' over and over.

If it's your first time doing 12WBT, you may have found yourself asking 'what is it exactly?' or 'I signed up to a weight loss program and this ain't it!' or even 'why am I paying for something I'm not getting?!'.

Sound familiar?

I know I asked myself those questions a couple of years ago, more than once too!

I want to tell you to stick with it.

I want to tell you to do all of the pre-season tasks.

Take your time with them, don't rush through them, and really be honest with your answers.  Brutally honest.  Skipping them, even just one, can seriously affect your success.

Believe me, trust me on this, I know it to be true.

Having skipped my fair share of pre-season tasks over 8 rounds, I can tell you that the most successful rounds I've had are those where I completed every single task set out.

The pre-season tasks can be very confronting, especially the first one.

Coming clean about your excuses, owning up to yourself that all the reasons you haven't been eating right, or exercising, aren't actually reasons but are in fact excuses, can trigger a range of emotions - fear, shame, guilt, anger... and then, then comes the determination to be better, to succeed.

Recognising your excuses for what they are is essential to making this work, after all, how can you overcome what you won't acknowledge?

There are points of difference in this program that just aren't found in other programs.  Pre-season is one of them, it's just one of the things that makes it unique.

Every single task that is set, the way they are 'drip fed' during this period, is all about setting you up for success.  Too much information too soon is completely overwhelming for many people, so doing a single task every few days gives you the time to focus on it and give it the attention it deserves, that you deserve.

Think of it as the entree...

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