Monday, August 25, 2014

My first Park Run...
My town had it's first ever Park Run on Saturday 23rd August 2014 at Rosepoint Park,

Happy Anniversary! Back to the beginning...

On the 21st July 2013 I did something that I never dreamed that I would ever do in my entire life.  I entered, participated in, and completed a Fun Run, specifically the Winery Running Festival 5km event called the Winery Wander, and I did it with a time of 1:15:39.

Sunday, August 03, 2014

#100HappyDays - Day 51 - 57

Okay, so I was about to delete this post - I had drafts already done up for each week - when I noticed that I had done most of the work on it already...

Plus there are some really great moments that happened during this week.

This really will  be the last 100 Happy Days post.  Scouts honour...

#100HappyDays - Halfway there...

As usual I have gotten WAY behind with these posts, and actually fell of the 100 Happy Days wagon somewhere around day 83.

Argh!  So close!

I thought that instead of doing up several posts to bring you all up to date, I would just finish off this one which brings to the halfway mark, and leave it at that.